I am currently co-organizing two seminar series in Sweden:
Analysis & Probability Seminar.
In the past, I have co-organized the following conferences:
In the past, I have co-organized the following seminars:
(2021 - 2023) Ring Theory Seminar: Weekly seminar of the Ring Theory Research Group at UAB (which includes operator algebraists).
(2020 - 2023) SIMBa: Informal research seminar organized by PhD and master students in Barcelona. PhD and early postdocs (not just from Barcelona) are welcome to give a talk!
(2020 - 2021) Barcelona Lean Seminar: Working seminar to learn Lean, a theorem prover, and find applications for it (currently focused on teaching purposes).
(2020) Very Informal Seminar: Seminar for mathematics PhD students at (or visiting) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Speakers are encouraged to give talks of general interest, and they do not need to be related to their research topic.
(2019 - 2020) Seminari de Teoria de Categories (in catalan): Working seminar on Category Theory. The goal is to cover the first 5 chapters of Categories for the Working Mathematician, by S. Mac Lane.